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Here you can see the examples of images that DEREK can build in the analysis of dynamical systems

Phase portrait (projection on the plane)

Dependence of the first component on the time

One of the possible trajectories of an artificial satellite in the gravity field of the Earth and Moon

Quasi-periodic motion, shown with the points of Poincaré section for the plane x + y + z  = 0

Chaotic motion, shown with the points of Poincaré section for the plane x + y + z  = 0

Periodic chemical reaction (phase trajectory forms a limit cycle)

Model of chemical reactions ("stiff" system)

Motion of charged particles in a magnetic field of the Earth (for the description of "Northern Lights"-Aurora borealis)

The dependence of the Lyapunov exponents on the parameter for the Lorenz model

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Three-dimensional image of Rössler attractor
Three-dimensional image for motion of Henon-Heiles model with the points of the Poincaré section 

quasi-periodic motion

chaotic motion

If you will not be frightened with a few number of formulas you can refer to the Experiments page, several examples are presented there in more detail.

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