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Useful links



S.P.Kuznetsov "Dynamical chaos"

Saratov group of Theoretical Nonlinear Dynamics

PHASER - a universal simulator for Dynamical Systems

Dynamics Solver - a powerful tool for research in nonlinear dynamical systems

A tool for dynamical systems research by Bard Ermentrout

Dynamical Systems section of Wolfram Mathworld

An article about dynamical systems in Wikipedia

Sprott systems - a set of systems with chaotic dynamics

Solving Ordinary Differential Equations: Nonstiff Problems

Ernst Hairer, personal page

Wink - a free computer program for creating tutorials and presentations

Xnview - software for reading, viewing, and processing images

ATOMOSYD - a website of research group from University of Rouen devoted to dynamical systems topological analysis and modelling

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